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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Support legalization of blood tracking in Pennsylvania!

As a member of Deer Recovery of Pennsylvania I got this message from Andy Bensing, who is a leader of this organization.

We are gearing up for what hopefully will be a successful drive to finally get Blood Tracking legalized here in PA this year. To that end I have started a new thread on There is a poll on that thread and it would be great if you could log on and vote. The poll is going well but the greater the number of people that vote the better. Please go to click here.  If you are not already a member of it only takes a minute to register. In addition to voting, try to leave a brief comment on the thread to bring the topic back up to the top of the Forum so it gets good exposure. I will be going to Harrisburg shortly to begin lobbying the new legislature and I would like to take the results of this poll with me and have it show that a lot of hunters are supportive so again, please log on and vote.

It has been a really long battle to make tracking wounded deer with leashed dogs legal in PA. On June 29th, 2010 Pennsylvania Game Commissioners officially supported House Bill 2526 that would amend the Game and Wildlife Code (Title 34) to legalize the use of leashed blood tracking dogs to recover lawfully harvested or lawfully wounded white-tailed deer. Let's make it happen!

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