Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Alfi von der Hardt-Höhe is gone

November 5, 1997 - May 7, 2010

Sire: BCh 1997 Shadow van der Nerendijk, VII, BhFK/B, BhFN/B, Sp/B, SchwhK/B (Belgium)

Dam: GS 1994 Zara von der Hardt-Höhe, Sp/J, Vp/J, SchwhK, BhFK, GTSt 94/1994 (Germany)

Breeder: Heinrich Wyink, Germany
Alfi's ttitles/ratings: AKC - FC, FCI: Sp/J, Sp, SchwhK, SchwhK/40, SchwhN, Sw, St, Vp, BhFK, BhFN, BhDN, WaT, BhFK95, SchwhK-F, Sw/40, Waldsuche, Schußf ; conformation rated "Excellent"
On Friday, May 7, our twelve and a half  year old Alfi was put to sleep. In the last two weeks his abdomen got larger, and X-rays taken on Wednesday showed that it was filling with fluid. His heart was enlarged. We had an appointment with a cardiologist this week, but Alfi deteriorated very quickly on Thursday, and on Friday morning we made a decision to let him go. A quick necropsy showed that he suffered a congestive heart failure. He also had a tangerine-sized benign mass on his spleen and his pancreas were hard and inflamed.

Dogs are incredibly tough! On Wednesday he was a happy dog with a large belly, he ate, moved well and  showed no sign of discomfort. On Friday morning he would not eat and and move, and he was in a rough shape. I know that we made a right decision.

In 2000 as we were expanding and diversifying our breeding program we imported Alfi from Germany when he was 2.5 years old. He had already produced several litters there.A Gebrauchsieger, he came laden with DTK working titles and an "ideal" conformation rating.

We liked him very much, but he was a dominant tough dog, always in charge, and not always easy to handle. I would also describe him as hard headed, strong willed and independent. Very self-assured, when he walked into our dog yard for the first time, he looked like owned the place.

He has proved to be an exceptional producer.  He passed to his puppies enormous hunting desire, toughness, strong voice and a very nice working conformation. He sired five litters - three with Elli, one with Vamba and one with Laurel Whistance-Smith's Lutra.  His litters with Elli (26 pups) proved to be excellent producing such dogs as Billy, Emma, Arlo, Henry Holt's Bear, Sherry Ruggieri's Auggie and Dixie, Bill Yoder's Daryl, to name just few.  Alfi has produced ten field champions. He left a very impressive legacy, and he certainly made a big impact on blood tracking and field trial wires in this country.

But Alfi was not just a producer; he had real merit as individual. He has done very well in AKC field trials on cottontails. In the fall 2004 he was invited to run in the First Buckeye Invitational Field Trial. The best dachshund field champions were there from all over the country. Alfi won the trial convincingly. His son Auggie has won the Invitational twice since then.

Rest in peace Alfi! We'll always remember you and hold you in our hearts.


  1. My deepest condolences, to you both. It is never easy when we lose our furry friends.

  2. We're on our 4th & 5th dachshund now and believe me I know how hard it is to lose a companion.

    Joe and Mary Budde
    No. Illinois

  3. Thank you Maribeth and Joe and Mary for your warm messages. Thank you to all who sent them privately.
