Saturday, May 22, 2010

Keena's perfect whelping results in 9 puppies

Yesterday Keena stayed all day in the whelping box, and she was very quiet. The night passed uneventfully. This morning first puppy was whelped at 6:30 am. The last puppy was out at 11 am. It took Keena 4.5 hours to whelp 9 puppies - 5 girls and 4 boys. Pups' size ranges from 8.2 oz to 12.0 oz (230-340 grams), and all of them seem to be doing really well. More information about the whelping will be posted later today at our puppy journal.  This litter is a result of one mating, and the sire is FC Joeri vom Nonnenschlag.

Thanks to all who sent us their best wishes - they worked!


  1. AWESOME!......and quite cute!

  2. Good heavens! Nine! Congratulations and continued good luck with the new pups!

  3. wow-9 puppies! Congratulations!
