Friday, January 14, 2011

Dachshund Mashup

In the last few weeks we have received quite a few e-mails with pics so today we will try to show them here. Enjoy!

Wyatt Bell with Quella.
David Bell from Ohio wrote: The pics I sent you are of my son Wyatt and his best friend Quella. Wyatt is going to be a future blood tracker and he has already went out with me to lay artificial blood trails.  I let Wyatt feed her everyday in the mornings so he can build a bond with her, and I feed her in the evenings. As you can see in the pictures, she loves to sit in comfort with the family and is in very good shape. I pay careful attention not to let her get over weight. I am very proud of her drive and tracking desire. She still is a little scared of water, but I think she will come around. She gets in the water by herself now, but she doesn't go in the deep water.  She is very fast and athletic, but seems to slow down and focus hard on the track.

Quella von Moosbach-Zuzelek is a daughter of Joeri and Keena. She is almost eight months old.


This picture came from Germany from Rosi and Anne Bauersachs, and it shows Joeri's family - from left Jette (Joeri's sister), Ilena (Joeri's mom), Florie (grandma), Alissa and Darja. 

Around Christmas time Germany received an unusual high volume of snow. The picture shows Ilena and Darja.


Chris Barr from Indiana wrote: Gerti is doing great. We’ve begun our winter of walking in the woods and trying to kick up a rabbit for her to run. She had a beautiful run on Sunday but ran it under an old collapsed barn. Had it not been for that, she’d have brought it right to me and I was going to pop it for her. I’d like to take her to a rabbit trial or two this spring.

This fall we ended up with 21 tracks with 8 finds. I would have had about 25 tracks but turned a few down as they were described as high back shots and we’d already been out and Gerti was wiped out. The average age of the track of the deer we recovered was only about 5 hours. The older tracks caused her some problems as she’d still rather follow a hot track or maybe a critter of some sort. We’ll continue to focus on that in her training this spring and summer.

In her first two seasons we’ve taken 35 tracks and recovered 11 deer. I’m pleased overall. Her name is getting around. I made up fliers to put in the local outdoor shops but never put them out as I was getting all the work I wanted with working full time, juggling two teenagers, and trying to hunt myself.

Gerti is such a good girl and loves everyone. I never have to worry about her nipping anyone for any reason. She’s pretty tough on ‘ol Oscar though who remains blissfully unaware. As opposed as I was to getting him, I’m now glad we did because he’s a wonderful companion for Gerti. I laughed at the pictures of Bernie because Gerti likes to express herself with her teeth also. She and Oscar have some pretty good matches. I have to give it to Oscar because he’s a tough little guy and stands up for himself pretty well. Gerti’s the Queen Bee though and regularly puts him in his place.

Oscar (black and tan) and Gerti (wild boar daughter of Billy and Gilda)


This is Sherry Ruggieri's new puppy Mieka, who is out of Joeri and Melodie v Moosbach-Zuzelek. Mieka was bred by Susie Gardner from Ohio.

This picture was sent by Willette Brown from Maine. The pup trying to climb over the pen is Waldo (Quantum von Moosbach-Zuzelek).


 The above picture shows Joe Walters and Ray Holohan with Rosco at the booth that they had at  Outward Bound - Adventure Sports Show in Kankakee, IL a week ago. Ray wrote: As far as the show, we had a really great time. It was a great success, we educated a lot of people on blood tracking deer with a dog.  The show was an outdoor show that appealed to all kinds of people. People that like to camp, fish, hunt, barbecue, cycling, boating, chainsaw wood carving, you name it, it was there. So we had a wide variety of people come by the booth. I had Rosco there for 5 hours, he was an absolute angel, people loved him and he got more attention and pets than you can imagine. Most people never heard of tracking wounded deer with dogs. Hunters and nonhunters thought it was a great idea and most couldn't believe that we would do it for gas money. People were really baffled by some of our equipment, especially the tracking shoes that still had the hoofs on them.


This picture was sent by Jeff Springer: Cash & Tilly are great friends plus their personalities are so good with people and especially kids. If Tilly comes into heat this spring I was thinking of breeding her one last time. All the pups have been proven trackers of deer & bears. (Cash is a daughter of Billy and Tilly.)


Do you remember Remi from Utah, the pup who worked so hard finding wounded elk, moose and deer? This is another side of Remi (smile).

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