Friday, February 18, 2011

UBT at the 2011 Michigan Deer & Turkey Expo

The 2011 Michigan Deer & Turkey Expo is taking place this weekend at the Lansing Civic Center, Friday 2-9, Saturday 9-7, and Sunday 9-4. Stop by the United Blood Trackers booth, say hi and see the blood tracking dogs. John's talk "Using Tracking Dogs to Find Wounded Deer" is scheduled for tonight at 6:15 PM, tomorrow at 2:45 PM and on Sunday at 11:00 AM. For a schedule of seminars click here.

The UBT panel display prepared for the 2011 Expos. UBT will be have a booth in Michigan and Ohio.


  1. I really enjoyed the seminar, meeting John and seeing the dogs. Thanks to Chuck for all the hard work he is doing in Michigan.

  2. It went very well. A lot of hunters got exposed to the idea of blood tracking dogs.

    John is on his way home but the weather in Michigan is pretty bad so he will probably be back home on Wednesday.

  3. i'm new into blood tracking, was a day late in finding out about the convention. are there any tracking clubs in michigan?

  4. I don't know of any blood tracking club in Michigan. The UBT has quite a few members from that state.

  5. Their is a guy that has a traking service in Michigan.
    Scout tracking service. Nice guy he found my buddys deer.
