Sunday, June 19, 2011

Joeri's love to swim and retrieve provides a good opportunity for hot shots!

Before we post about the NATC Zuchtschau, I am going to include justt few pictures of Joeri swimming and retrieving in our pond. Click on the pictures to enlarge.


  1. Remi shares this same drive. He loves to swim and retrieve

  2. I saw this last night, and it reminded me that I hadn't had Rilla swimming yet this season....I took her, and she still loves it! Retrieving wasn't so successful though--pond has a very steep dropoff, so it took her a few minutes to be comfortable enough to the meantime, I learned that the dummy I used does not float for long. I watched it sink below the surface as Rilla swam by.

  3. Both parents of Remi and Rilla - Joeri and Gilda - really like to swim so I am not surprised that their son and daughter love it too.
