Saturday, September 10, 2011

Colors of early fall

My favorite season of the year is here!


  1. Our trees are beginning to get their lovely colours. I love this season too.

  2. Nice pics Jolanta. Our fall is probably going to be another dingy colored one with the lack of rain again this summer. Glad you survived the monsoon and are out snapping pictures.

    Chris and Gerti

  3. We had a good mushroom year. I´ve picked until today about 60 kg. Today at morning dogwalk in the woods we came home with 5 kg and later when I did a blood track för this afternoon I picked 5 kg. So I have little work now :-). Later we will have autumn mushrooms. They are beginning grow now. Will put a picture of them later in my blog today.

  4. Chris,
    Thank you! I hope you have a good hunting/tracking season.

  5. Majron,
    I used to live in Poland, and mushroom picking was very popular there. Here I don't know anybody who does it :( It seems that where you are you have A LOT of mushrooms.

  6. brinkka2011 says: Congratulations on having 1 of the most sophisticated blogs Ive arrive throughout in some time! Its just incredible how much you can take away from a little something simply because of how visually beautiful its. Youve put collectively a great blog space great graphics, videos, layout. This is unquestionably a must-see blog!

  7. I can't imagine how lovely the fall colors must be in your neck of the woods. Can't wait to see more!

  8. I *love* mushroom hunting! Here in the Pacific Northwest we have lots of them! As soon as the rains come, so do the mushrooms. Mmmm!

    Lindsjö taxar: I'm coming over for a mushroom omelet!
