Friday, September 2, 2011

Passion for blood tracking and a nine-year-old friendship

Yesterday afternoon I got a call from Susanne Hamilton from Maine. We talked about our puppies, but I sensed that there was more to this conversation. I asked her whether she was driving somewhere (she often calls when she drives). She said that yes, she was on her way to Caribou. I had no idea where Caribou was, so she explained. She was on her way to track a wounded bear in Caribou, Maine, at least FOUR hours away from her home. I also learned that she has to be back home by morning as she has a very busy day ahead.

Now, how many women you know would do that? Drive four hours by herself to track a wounded bear at night for strangers, turn around and drive back home to face a very busy day filled with horse training. I know only one woman who would do that, and it is Susanne. At 12:45 AM I got a text message that Buster did a superb job tracking but unfortunately they did not find the bear. The details followed, but this post is not about a detailed description of the call. We talked more today while Susanne was still high from the excitement of tracking a wounded bear. You see there is nothing more than she loves to do. Some trackers get addicted to this stuff... I know as I live with one of the addicts.

After we'd hung up, my mind wandered to the first contact with Susanne. It was on October 1, 2002, nine years ago, when I received e-mail from her with a picture of Buster:
Hi Jolanta

My name is Susanne Hamilton, and I LOVE your website and your pictures. I just got a beautiful and well bred wirehaired dackel from Germany from a private breeder (Gerhard Weick) who does hunting and showing ..

My little dog "Clown vom Talsdeich" (who we call Buster Keaton) is the most amazing dog I have ever had... he outsmarts my German Shepherd by so much, it's scary. I hadn't seen much in ways of Wirehair Dachshunds in the US, and had wondered if I have an exceptional little male over here, and now that I do, I find you site... (actually through the German breeder) and see that there are BEAUTIFUL ones already here..

I would love to know what I can do, to join the north american kennel club, and how I would go about to let my little guy go for stud, when he's of age... or does he have to prove himself at breed shows or hunting clubs? He comes form excellent hunting lines... seems to take his time with his coat at the moment but in one picture of you and one of the pups, I saw a similarity.

Buster is only just three and a half months old, and we have a lot to learn (but are willing).

Best regards

Susanne Hamilton and Buster

What happened in the next nine years could fill a book, and maybe one day it will. Enough to say that in 2009 and 2010 Susanne received the Maine Bowhunters Association Award in recognition of her accomplishments and dedication to bowhunting sport. Her dachshund Buster (who never manged to grow a beard) turned out to be one of the best tracking dachshunds and also won the Dachshund Club of America National Field Trial twice. The puppies that are at my feet right now are Buster's "grandchildren". And I got a GREAT friend for life! Congratulations Susanne - I am so proud of you and Buster!

Susanne with Meggie, Buster's daughter

1 comment:

  1. If anyone has gotten the best out of a dog, it's Susanne with Buster. They make a great team and commit totally to whatever challenge is presented. Admirable and inspiring.
