Saturday, October 15, 2011

Opening day of bowhunting season

What a nasty weather for the opening day of bowhunting season here in the New York State's Southern zone! Rain, gusty winds and cold.

on Saturday John went on two calls and recovered one deer. This spike was shot in the early evening around 5:30 pm by James Alex in Westerlo. Joeri started to track around 8:30 pm and had some difficulty around the tracked up point of loss. Once he had the line he had no trouble and found the deer in around 200 yards. The fatal wound was in the kidney, somewhat higher and further back than it had been expected.

John, Joeri and Jim with the recovered spike.

John is 76 and the fire is still burning bright in his belly - he lives for tracking!

1 comment:

  1. Love love these stories and what wonderful conservation.
