Saturday, November 5, 2011

Another monster buck for David Bell and Quella from Ohio

Congratulations to David who wrote:
Another monster Quella found today. I watched the video the hunter had recorded and saw that this was a bad shot, too far back, so we gave the buck time to expire (24 hours). The buck was gut shot and Quella tracked it 900 yards to a pond. When we got there the buck was still alive so the hunter stuck another arrow in the buck, but this time he was down within 30 yards. Quella was happy to find this buck and quickly started chewing on the rump, something she does every time she finds one.


1 comment:

  1. How can I get in contact with someone to help with a tracking job in Ohio? I lost the blood trail after tracking for 10 hours and I believe a dog is my only hope. If you may be able to help please email me at
    Thank you,
