Sunday, April 8, 2012

Little future blood trackers are here!

Happy Easter to those who celebrate it! It is only appropriate to post our new puppy pictures on this day. Sorry that we have not posted for a week, as we had to deal with life "events".

Paika started to whelp on Thursday night but we ran into complications. On Friday morning she had to have a C-section as her uterus got twisted and flipped. We did not lose any puppies, and now Paika is doing really well, but Thursday night and Friday morning were intense.

Anyway, we have four puppies, two males and two females.

We have not named them yet, but they were born in this sequence:
Pink girl weighed 10.4 oz, now she is 12.8
Blue boy was at birth 11.8, now he is 14.2
Red boy was 12.8, now he is 15.0
Yellow girl was 7.8 and now she 9.4 oz.

To read more about what happened go to our puppy journal, where we post regular updates. The below pictures were taken this morning and they are showing pups, which are two days old.


  1. They are lovely!!! So shiny fur they have....very qute ones!!

  2. Ohhhh puppy breath! Glad all are doing well.

  3. I am reeling from an overdose of cuteness! OMG, soooo adorable! I am so happy they are looking so good and healthy after such a rude entrance into the world! Much love to pups and Paika.
