Thursday, May 31, 2012

Pictures from our backyard

I have not posted any pictures for a while so here we go.

These days you can see and smell wild phlox in a full bloom. I love these plants - they are so delicate and powerful at the same time.

This spring I have seen quite a few morning doves around our place. This one sat on a dog yard post for a long time and let me come really close.

Right now we have more rabbits than ever before, and they are multiplying. This picture was shot from our kitchen window with a long lens. Two bucks were chasing a doe, and I saw multiple, very short in duration matings. Funny, an hour later Billy and Mae mated on the same lawn. Crazy stuff.


  1. As I wrote before, you are a very good photographer and should be share more with us. you have a lovely countryside in Berne. We will sure pay you a visit when we come to the US. My partner hasn´t been there and we want to go. NY for sure. he is a former basket ball player and want to see NBA live instead on his laptop.

  2. Majron,
    Thank you! I post more pics on Facebook. This blog is dedicated to blood tracking, dachshunds etc so I don't want to post too many unrelated pics. Also it is easier to post and comment on FB than here. I get evry few comments posted to the blog but a lot of comments on FB. You should try it. When do you think you will be coming to the USA?
