Monday, September 24, 2012

Joeri's surgery for herniated disc: Four weeks later

Today marks the passing of four weeks since Joeri's surgery. He has been improving steadily. His gait is not 100% back to what it used to be, but everybody says that it is just a matter of time. Joeri certainly is enjoying extra attention he is getting! He goes on leashed walks several times a day as without a leash he'd be ready to run and jump. Yesterday he gave a scare when we forgot to put a gate up that keeps him in the kitchen/dining area when we have meals. Few minutes later we found him going downstairs on his own. Not so soon buddy! A couple of more weeks and you will be able to move without any restrictions!

John walking Joeri


  1. So glad to hear he is doing well. It is hard when our dackels go down and we hold our breath until they are well again!
