Tuesday, November 6, 2012

John and Tommy track and find a wounded deer in the thicket

John's report on the November 1 track says:
This 184 pound buck was bowshot the previous afternoon. The broadhead hit near the edge of one lung, then through the diaphragm and through a lobe of the liver, through the stomach and out. The hunter tracked it about 200 yards with decent blood and into a very dense thicket, the kind that requires clipping vines and briars to get make progress. The hunter ran out of line about 50 yards into the thicket, but did he mark the blood that he saw well.
Tommy and I tracked from the hit site 21 hours after the shot. We went into the thicket and to the dead end of the trail.. Tommy worked around at the point of loss, and then worked what was apparently a back track for about 50 yards to a spot of blood in a new direction.
There was not casting around for the new line. I was on my hands and knees or cutting vines most of the way. Once we were on the new line it was easy for Tommy. More beds and vines to cut for 200 yards, and then there was the deer dead. Not much of a rack, but the photo does not do justice to the size of the body. This was Tommy's 6th recovery of the season.
John and Tommy at the end of successful track.

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