Monday, February 18, 2013

Celebrating Joeri's 5th Birthday

As regular readers of this blog know, Joeri suffered a herniated disc on August 27, 2012. He underwent a surgery almost immediately, and then on November 15 he went down again. At the time we were very close to putting him down as he was paralyzed and he lost bladder control. We put him right away on prednisone and some other drugs such as tramadol, methocarbamol and gabapentin. He also received several acupuncture sessions and cold laser treatments. Luckily Joeri responded well to this conservative treatment and has been improving steadily.

This picture was taken this morning in my den on the day of his 5th birthday. We both are so glad that he is with us wagging his tail and slowly regaining his life.
The video below was taken today as well. A direct link to the video is click here. You can see that he is not 100%, not yet, but we are optimistic. He feels very good, would like to jump and run. It's been now only three months since his relapse so we are still restricting his activities. He gave us a scare the other day when all of sudden he tried to jump on the couch. He did not reach the top, fell down on his back (on the carpet), but it seems that nothing happened. He was disappointed that he did not succeed but was not in pain and did not suffer any damage. We hope that by mid-April he will be able to resume normal life.


  1. Happy 5th birthday dear Joeri! I am thrilled that you are improving. I am a fan of the wire hairs. I am not a hunter but read your blog daily. Great looking dogs you have! My wire is one of my best buddies. I have 3 dachshunds total. I rescued my first when I was 10 years old. I have had many over the years. I only got my first wire 3 years ago. He's a doll! Good luck and God bless!

  2. The video doesn't show on my computer?? Never had that problem before.

  3. Happy Birthday. I am so happy to see him like that. Great with the video.
    Today Tyra is visisting Gusten hope to get a good mating

  4. Karen,
    Thank you for such a nice feedback. Rescue work is so important. Thank God that people like you are willing and enjoying doing it.

  5. Andy, thank you for letting me know, but I don't know what to advise you - maybe try a different web browser. I will include a link to the video in the post. The video resides on smugmug. It is also posted on Facebook.

  6. Happy BDay Joeri and wishes for a continued and complete happy recovery!
