Friday, February 8, 2013

Happy Birthday Billy!

Nine years ago our Elli whelped a litter of eight puppies, six males and two females. This is how Billy came into our lives. He was weighing 280 grams, and was one of the smaller pups in the litter. But almost from the beginning he caught our eye as he was a very enterprising and outgoing puppy. He might not be the best blood tracking dog that we have ever had or bred, but he is one of the most trainable dogs, who loves to please and cooperate. Only those who know him closely can appreciate his flawless temperament and depth of character.

Many happy returns Billy! We love you!

Billy at the age of nine years.

Billy  when one day old.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Bday Billy and he definitely was born into the right family that appreciates all that he is!
