Friday, March 15, 2013

Blood tracking dogs are now legal in South Dakota

We are happy to report that on March 12, 2013, South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard signed the House Bill #1093 which says that "A dog that is leashed and under the control of a handler may be used to track and retrieve any big game animal that is wounded or presumed dead, if the handler complies with the conditions and restrictions prescribed in this chapter and the rules promulgated pursuant to this chapter."

The history and full text of the bill can be accessed at

Many thanks and huge congratulations go to Jonathan Eckrich, a United Blood Trackers member from South Dakota, who made it happen!

Jonathan Eckrich with Hanzo, an 11-month old Shiba Inu
that is being trained
for blood tracking.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Johnathan. I know how hard it can be to get this done as I have been in a battle in Iowa now for sometime. It is amazing how frustrating trying to work through the legislation can get. Many people don't realize how much time and effort this can take.
