Friday, February 14, 2014

Great weekend spent with trackers from Quebec

This winter is not going to quit! According to the National Weather Service we got 27 inches of snow in the last 36 hours. Of course this was on the top of the snow already on the ground. Crazy!!! When the snow is so deep logistics of managing 11 dogs (two females in heat) is not easy, especially in case of our old Asko and Joeri. John and I managed to shovel some paths for them in our yard, and today we got plowed so now our driveway is clear.

We got to spend last weekend with two trackers from Quebec, Benoit Blanchard and Steve Durocher, who came here to breed Benoit's tracking dachshund Fiona to one of our dogs. Fiona du Petit Bois de la Chapelle, an accomplished blood tracking dachshund from Quebec, has one of the best temperaments I have ever seen. She is not only talented but very good looking too. Fiona was imported from France along with her two sisters Flair, owned by Steve Durocher, and Foxy, owned by Bernard Demers. They were bred by Philippe Rainaud, an experienced blood tracker from France, who writes for Plaisirs de la Chasse.  

It was a good weekend filled with animated conversation mainly in French. Thanks to John and Steve, who speaks some English, I did not feel left out.

We ended up breeding Fiona to our Sky on February 8 and 9, 2014, and are really looking forward to seeing their puppies. Good luck Ben with the pups! By the way, I guess we should also mention that Tuesday was bred to Tommy on February 6 and 8.

Thank you Bernard for this picture showing Ben with Fiona and the buck they recovered.
Benoit Blanchard with Fiona

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