Saturday, October 18, 2014

Mossy's first real track of wounded deer was quite an adventure

Jolanta and John,

Just a short note to let you know what a great morning it was for Mossy Brooke and myself.  A doe was shot on the plantation yet we could find no blood--knowing that the deer had taken a chest shot.   Mossy had her tracking collar on, so after looking for blood for 15 to 20 minutes to no avail, I told Mossy that there was a dead deer and to look for blood.  She hunted diligently in the areas I asked her to look--and suddenly, she caught a scent that she really liked.  She started through the woods with me behind her.  Approximately 200 yards into the woods, I saw a deer 100 yards in front of Mossy run through the woods.  Mossy saw it also and started running and barking.  I thought to myself, this is exactly what John said to make sure did not happen.  I heard Mossy barking, but could not see her and assumed she was in hot pursuit of the live deer.  I looked at my GPS Tracker and saw that Mossy had Treed Quarry 100 yards in front of me.  I made my way to her and guess what--Mossy had found her first DEAD DEER.  She was barking continuously at it--she and I celebrated, and within 15 minutes the DEAD DEER had become MOSSY'S DEER.  She lay beside it and guarded it until Craig could there to help us drag it out of the woods.  She rode with us to the deer processor who lives 1/4 of mile up the road from the plantation.  She was introduced to everyone there and they immediately wanted to know if she was taking Bear's place as the deer tracker--as she was wearing her tracking collar.  Bear was known throughout the area as the little dog who could find anyone's wounded deer.  Mossy has big steps to fill, but after today's excursion, there is no doubt she will make both Bear and me proud.

Thanks Jolanta and John for this great addition to our family.  Mossy is the most loving little soul and will become known as the little dog that finds wounded deer. 

Thanks So Much,

Judy and Craig

Judy and Mossy with the deer she found

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