Monday, February 13, 2012

Reunion of Achilles and Bella

We introduced Achilles of Trace-ja last September when his owners Genti and Beth Shero visted us here in Berne, NY. On Sunday Genti, Beth and their daughter Dea came back for a very nice visit, and we had a chance to get to know Achilles better. We liked him a lot - he is well proportioned, typey FCI dachshund with a great temperament and right moves in the field. He uses his nose well. We had a chance to put him in our fenced-in field. He was joined there by our Bella, who was bred by Genti and Beth, and it was pleasure to hear both dachshunds "singing".

The pictures below were taken yesterday and show Achilles now at the age of seven months.


  1. He looks very nice but maybe his fur must be taken care of. He reminds a little bit of my Ayla

  2. You are right Majron. Achilles has never been stripped so the pictures show his natural look.

  3. Thank for having us Jolanta and thanks for te beautiful pictures. The food was great!! Achilles and Dea had a lot of fun too. I promise, next time Achilles will be groomed properly.
