By Jolanta Jeanneney
If you bought a dachshund from Europe,
it was probably registered with one of the FCI kennel clubs such as the
Deutscher Teckelklub. You bought your European puppy because you admired the
hunting desire and the conformation standard that was developed to ensure
stamina and agility. Now you wonder whether you should register your puppy with
the American Kennel Club. You probably heard how breeders associated with this
club breed mainly for the show ring and exaggerated conformation, with
disregard for performance and health. And why would you want to register your
teckel puppy with the AKC that has a different breed standard and provides no
quality control when it comes to selection of breeding stock? The reasons are practical rather than ideological.
If you live in the United States, you need to register
your foreign-born dachshund puppy with an American-based registry. The American
Kennel is your best option.
By the way, it should be mentioned that the terms like
dachshund, teckel and dackel refer to the same breed. The word “dachshund” is
actually of German origin, and it means “badger dog”, as in German “dachs”
means badger and “hund” means dog. These days the Americans who work with
dachshunds bred out of European lines often refer to them as “teckels”. But make
no mistake about it – teckels are dachshunds!
The North American Teckel Club (NATC), which John and I
co-founded, is affiliated with the FCI and DTK. It is a small club, which
handles 9 teckel breeds that are differentiated according to the size and coat
type (standard, mini and kaninchen x wirehaired, longhaired and smooth). In the
AKC system dachshunds are registered just as “dachshunds” (one breed). It is
obvious that the United
States is very different from the European
countries. The distances in our homeland are vast by European standards. Field
and show events for FCI registered dogs are very infrequent and widely
scattered. The NATC holds events once or twice a year.
This post is not intended to criticize NATC, DTK or FCI, but
to show what a breeder loses by not registering an imported dachshund with the
If there is a possibility that you want to breed your foreign-born
"Teckel" in the USA
according to the FCI regulations, your dog must be approved as suitable for
breeding by an FCI judge at a "Zuchtschau" and this may involve
driving a thousand miles or more. After the breeding takes place the subsequent
litter must be evaluated by a North American Teckel Club breed warden, and
there are few of these in the USA.
A procedure that makes a lot of sense in densely populated Europe is not very
suitable for the USA.
Quality control and genetic awareness in breeding are very important, but we
must encourage them here through education, not through the application of rigid regulations that may
require traveling long distances.
Teckel breeders in the USA must think ahead. At present,
it is possible, if not convenient, to operate within the FCI system, thanks to
the presence of the North American Teckel Club. However, it is not certain that
the NATC will survive over the long term. The NATC membership of less than 150
has remained static for a decade, and it has not been very successful in
recruiting those who use dachshunds for finding wounded big game and hunting.
If NATC fails, those who have not registered their FCI dogs with the AKC will
have nowhere to go in the United
States unless they want to turn to such
organizations as the privately owned United Kennel Club, which is run more for profit than for quality. Most
breeders will have to leave the country to qualify their dogs for registration.
We are very fortunate that the DTK/FCI allows their
registered dachshunds to be dual registered with the AKC. In this respect it
differs from the Verein Deutsch Drahthaar, which does not allow their registered dogs in North America to have anything to do with the AKC.
The AKC offers a registration system, which provides
pedigrees and DNA testing for parentage verification. But it offers more than
that. For people who are interested in versatile dachshunds, the AKC offers
performance events such as field trials, earth dog tests, human tracking,
agility etc.
Last year, seven dogs in the top ten AKC field trial dachshunds
in this country were either direct imports from Europe
or American-bred descendants from European lines. The all-time best field trial
dachshund FC Danika vom Nordlicht was bred in the United
States, but her pedigree goes back to dachshunds imported
from Europe. Her conformation was judged by an
FCI judge as Excellent (Vorzuglich).
Besides her AKC Field Championship Danika has other AKC titles: TD, ME
and EE2, which are earned in tracking and earth dog tests. She is a tracker of
wounded game as well. This year, so far the number one spot in field trials has
gone to Sherry Ruggieri’s Tüsöksori-Ugrasztó
Husniya, who was imported from Hungary.
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FC Danika vom Nordlicht,V, TD, ME, EE2 was bred in the United States by Larry Gohlke and she is co-owned by Cheri Faust and Larry Gohlke. Danika's ancestors are of European breeding. She is the most successful field trial dachshunds in the history of AKC dachshund field trials. She also tracks wounded deer, and is all-around very versatile dachshund. |
Sherry Ruggieri's Niya (FC Tüsöksori-Ugrasztó Husniya, V) was directly imported from Hungary. Even though she is only 2.5 years old she has done extremely well at AKC field trials. The picture shows Niya at a 2013 NATC Zuchtschau, where Niya was Best of Wires and got Excellent rating. |
Over the years
we have imported more than 10 dachshunds from Germany,
France and the Czech Republic,
all FCI countries, where dachshunds are bred according to the FCI standard
#148. All these dogs were subsequently registered with the AKC and they
participated in all kinds of events and tests in the States and Canada: United Blood Trackers and Deer
Search blood tracking tests (not associated with any registry), NATC shows and
tests, and AKC field trials. The offspring of these dogs are also registered
with the AKC so puppy owners can participate in the AKC events and breed their
dogs within the American-based registry.
FC Tom vom Linteler-Forst, V, SchwhK, Deer Search certif. was bred in Germany by Dieter Engel. His conformation was rated at an NATC show as Excellent. So far Tommy has sired five litters registered with the AKC and CKC (Canadian Kennel Club). His son FC Vimy Ridge von Lowenherz was #11 at AKC field trials last year. |
If you choose not to register your foreign-born dachshund
with the AKC, the puppies you are
going to breed will not be eligible for registration with the AKC and offspring
of your dog will not be able to participate in AKC events.
So for practical reasons it makes good sense to dual
register your imported dachshunds with the AKC. This does not require you to
give up the advantages offered by such FCI organizations as DTK, but it does
give you maximum flexibility. You will
always have the possibility of
participating in AKC events like field trials, breeding to either FCI or AKC
dogs, and finally the assurance that your puppies will have the status of being
Ask yourself a question – what am I going to lose by
registering my European dachshund with the AKC (nothing) and what am I going to
gain (a lot)?
To register your foreign-born dachshund, you need to
send a copy of an FCI export pedigree, two pictures of the dog and fill out the
AKC application form
The fee is $100. More detailed instructions are listed on page 3 of the form.
John Jeanneney (left) is holding FC Gerte vom Dornenfeld, SwI/1a, who was imported from Germany. Gerte tracked wounded deer and hunted rabbits, and she is one of the foundation bitches of our breeding program. Late Jim Pitcher is holding FC Zuzelek's Gold-digging Gita, who excelled on rabbits. |