Last weekend I traveled to Batavia, NY to participate in dachshund field trials organized by Albany Capital District Dachshund Club (Saturday) and Dachshund Club of Greater Buffalo (Sunday). I was scheduled to judge open stakes, and John had to stay behind as Paika came in heat and we did not want to leave her in a kennel full of intact males.
Beaglers from Niagara Beagle Club are great folks, and they are like family to many dachshund field trialers. I always look forward to this particular weekend!
This time I did not take many pictures as I judged in the morning and then ran my own dogs in the afternoon in the field champion stake. So instead of a thorough and long report, these are just some highlights from the weekend.
First, congratulations should go to Beth and Gentian Shero on finishing Mae Von Munterkeit, who now is an AKC Field Champion. We wrote about Mae here many times as she is a Deer Search dachshund whose dam is Jessie von Moosbach-Zuzelek "Sabrina". Mae was bred by Dale Clifford from Hamburg, NY, and is used for blood tracking and rabbit hunting. Actually Dale and his partner Janice dropped by on Saturday and it was nice to see them. Mae placed second on Saturday and first on Sunday in the Open Bitch stake. Her sister Mariel was NBQ on the first day of trials.
Beth Shero with FC Mae vom Munterkeit |
Also congratulations are going to Sarah Stokoe Burr whose Poker von Moosbach-Zuzelek placed 2nd on Saturday and 1st on Sunday in the Open Dog stake. Poker, or as he is called Bentley, comes from our 2009 litter out of Keena and Theo, and he is our Paika's brother. He is a beautiful dog with a great potential; he is just 18 months old now. BTW, I always get a kick when I see Beth and Sarah together as they look like sisters. It is great to see these two young women involved in blood tracking and field trials!
Sarah Stokoe Burr with Bentley |
Bnetley, our Paika's brother, has a very correct wirehaired coat and nice proportions. |
On Sunday Mae and Bentley had to run together against each other and Bentley won this particular run.
Our FC Joeri vom Nonnenschlag placed 2nd in a stake of 28 field champions on Saturday. The first place went to Odie, a mini long handled by Pete Mercier from Long Island. Odie did very well on Sunday too and placed 4th.
Pete Mercier with Odie (FC Rosie's Odie on the Run) |
On Sunday there were 25 field champions and the first place and Absolute win went to Carmen, a mini wire owned and handled by John Merriman.
John Merriman with Carmen (DC Siddachs Carmen) |
The second place went to standard wire FC Quilla von Velbert owned and handled by Willette Brown from Maine. It was a good week for Quilla as few days before the trial she also recovered a wounded deer for a hunter.
Willette is releasing Quilla on the scent line left by a cottontail rabbit.
Willette Brown with Quilla and Sherry Ruggieri with Auggie |
The third place went to Auggie (FC Augden von Moosbach-Zuzelek, who has too many titles to remember them) handled by Sherry Ruggieri.
Auggie held by Phil Ruggieri is getting ready for his run |
It was great to see many friends after a long summer break from field trials. Congratulations to all the winners! See you soon in New Jersey!