Sorry for taking a break from the blog, but for the last three days I have been focused on my photography. It is so hard to find any time for it, but it is especially difficult during hunting and tracking season. If you'd like to see results, go to There are four calendars there with my photography, two are nature oriented, one is with wirehaired dachshunds and another one with field trial beagles. When you click on the covers and go to a specific calendar, you will be able to see the pages. You can read
Patt's testimonial about the calendar she has ordered for the second year. Thank you Patt!
I uploaded images from the calendars to, where they can be purchased as prints or merchandise. If you have any questions about those,
e-mail me.
We got some e-mail asking about Joeri. As you remember Joeri was imported from Germany as a 14- week-old puppy 4.5 years ago. On August 27 he had a surgery for a herniated disc, and then on November 15 his back went down again. This time he was put on a high dose of prednisone and other meds, plus he had an acupuncture session. He was improving for a while, but in the last two days he regressed. He does not use his legs as well, and he has been leaking. Most likely it is a response to some reduction in prednisone dose, so as of last evening he is back on a high dose again. I can't tell you what an emotional roller coaster this has been.
Joeri on the evening of November 25 resting comfortably in my den. |
I have a ton of material for the blog. You guys have been very busy, and I really appreciate that you take time to write down your experiences and share them with all of us. I'll be posting a lot of new material in the next few days. Thank you and good luck in the woods!
Joeri should be your focus right now, the blogging can wait. Love your calendars - I do ones for my family each year and really enjoy making them. You can't go wrong with the stunning shots you get though!
Thanks! I can't do anything more for Joeri. He is with me in my den, resting in a carte, and goes out only for potty breaks. Blogging and taking care of Joeri are highly compatible :)
Great job you do with you calenders , I will for sure order one...
Joeri must be well, my previous dogs had it but no surgery but a lot of rest. They went well. You can only wait....he has lovely eyes.
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